Friday, January 17, 2014

Change of Pace

As I struggle to find my way 
with landscape painting,
 it's time for something 
more in my comfort zone
here specifically life drawing

Friday, January 10, 2014

Header Art

I've been asked about the art piece
 used in my header
and although it is displayed in the sidebar 
it doesn't seem to enlarge enough to be easily read....
so here's a repost!

 The mysteries of flight may be symbolized by the story of Icarus 
whose wings of wax and feathers 
melted as he flew too close to the sun 
sending him crashing into the sea. 

But the secrets of flight were hidden 
not up in the air 
but under the ground as fossil evidence.

The concepts of balance and symmetry
 have long fascinated artists. 

The dinosaur archaeopteryx
possessed asymmetrical feathers, 
the leading edge being narrower 
and more streamlined.
This enabled the wings 
to slice through the air permitting 
at least rudimentary flight.

(Source of info National Geographic  - Dinosaurs Take Wings - 1998).

Marsh Scenes