Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I'm not sure what this means 
from a psychological point of view 
but I seem to be obsessed 
this week
with variations on the colour 

Watercolour study of leaves

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sunlit Marsh

The first snow fall of the season 
has given a powdery dusting
 to the view from my studio window 
so the warmth of autumn 
is a tempting distraction.

This small pastel 
was based on some photos 
I took last fall 
of an impending storm.
Although ominous clouds 
threaten in the distance ahead,
strong sunlight from behind me
 highlighted the golden grasses 
spreading out across 
the windswept foreground.

If you look closely you will see these grasses 
are phragmites, an invasive species 
taking over Ontario marshlands.
In my sketch they have become cattails, 
a similar but less innocuous plant.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Filtered Light

It has been a beautiful autumn season 
and I remain fascinated 
(as are my walking companions)
by the effects of sunlight
(in this case morning light)
 filtering through the trees on our morning walks.

This is a theme I've experimented with previously.
My first  example is from 2013,
 a grove of old cedar trees.

But a recent morning walk 
inspired the use of more colour 
to describe  the shimmering effect  
of light behind a stand of pine trees.
Both are works in pastel.

This scene was discovered 
on the K &P trail section from
 Burbrook Road to Unity Road.
The numerous choices along the K&P trail, 
follow an abandoned rail bed 
which means the terrain is pleasantly flat
but varied in habitat.

Highly recommended if you are in the Kingston area!

Marsh Scenes