Lush Summer pastel Leslie Snider |
Lots of recent rain means
everything is lush and green.
As a landscape painter
I often use greens
that are muted
and subordinate
to the main features of a picture.
This photo taken along my dog walking trail
captured my imagination
with it's lively colour and light.
In adapting it for pastel,
I chose strong blue greens
rather than the warm yellow greens
of the photo.
I cropped the photo
to zoom in on
a more manageable composition.
With such a complex amount of detail
I did a quick thumbnail
to isolate the main features.
I liked the tree shapes
which act as an honour guard along the path.
The verticals draw your eye down
to the wispy wild flox.
The touches of warm mauve and red
help break up the masses of green.
As always it is the light
filtering through the undergrowth.
which gives most character to this picture.