Step 02 |
Now the fun begins!
I block in the local colours
like greens for trees and blues for water
but I use stronger values than I intend to see at the end
This gives me somewhere to go.
In other versions I might use complementary colours
as the under layer for an added glow.
Step 03 |
Believe it or not. .. the only thing I've done here is to soften/blend the colours.
Step 03a |
It may seem obvious but always blend
keeping in mind the texture of the sky,trees, water,etc.
I am very careful in the transition area
between sky and trees or water and shadow.
I like to see some soft edges in the final piece
so here's an opportunity to create them.
e.g Distant trees along the skyline.
I circled my focal point
as I usually pick one area in which to begin.
This sets the tone (level of detail) for the whole.