Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Trunks and Leaves

Although tree trunks 
figure prominently
 in this pastel
 the subject was actually
Here at the beginning of autumn,
the foliage is dense and lively.
But hints of the impending 
seasonal changes 
are peaking out here and there. 

Movement throughout 
is carried by the vivid greens. 

Forest Interior - Leslie Snider

Monday, December 4, 2017

Before and After

Colour and Light - Leslie Snider

Colour and Light - Leslie Snider
Here a beginning and the final stage
 plus a variation.
I rather like the beginning of my first marsh scene
 and wish I'd left it at that fresh stage!
My variation has a boldness
that was lost in my earlier example.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Marsh Variation

I'm constantly fascinated by marshes.
The combination of water, sky, vegetation and wildlife 
under various light and seasonal conditions
makes for constant surprises.

This example shows the effect of rain, 
cooling down the colours of the foliage.
The only hint of warmth 
is the pink of the sunrise 
reflecting in the water.

Marsh Variation - Leslie Snider

Here is an example from earlier this year,
also early morning, overcast and moody
 but with out the effect of rain.

Marsh Variation - Leslie Snider

Marsh Scenes