When I started a few Pinterest boards
to assist in teaching and studying
various aspects of painting and design,
I was surprised by popularity of trees
as subject mattter.
Of course,
there are many equally fascinating subjects
but on a basic level
the simplicity of the vertical (tree)
against the horizontal (horizon, terra ferma)
offers infinite possibilities.
‘Evening Snow at Edo River’
1932 woodblock print
by Hasui Kawase
We can even start at a more basic level
by looking at a series of vertical lines on a flat surface.
Here the simple contrast of long/short, heavy /fine
along an imaginary horizon line
creates a sense of space.
Working within a picture frame illustrates
the relationship between line and space
or positive and negative
and the importance of background space.
This is a simple exercise
and a great way to loosen up.
Finally as an example:
my watercolour of a spring meadow.
It is the relationship of trees to the background
that interested me in interpreting this subject.
Black and white illustrations
from a long out of print book,
"Form, Space and Vision" by Graham Collier