Tuesday, August 28, 2018

August Skies

One Month

Two Scenes
Two views
Two Skies 

August Lake - Leslie Snider
Late Summer Day - Leslie Snider
The first, a calm and lush summer day with just a hint of autumn.
The second, a late summer storm is on the way.

Both pastels on 440 Uart paper 
using Sennelier, Richeson, Unison, Rembrandt pastels.
Any questions...I'm here.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Sunrise Variation

This latest sunrise pastel
went through some small
 but important tweaks.

Marsh Dawn - Leslie Snider 

I was interested in capturing
 the colour range from warm to cool
  as the sun rose behind a strong line of trees.
The slowly rising sun created
 subtle effects on the marsh and water.
But having finished this piece
 and hanging it in the studio,
 I continued to study it daily.
(This is a good practice as over time 
you see your art with fresh eyes.)

Marsh Dawn -  Edit - Leslie Snider 

Although I liked the effects of light
  I found the line of trees
 too uniform in size, shape and colour.
More variation was needed
 to incorporate the trees
 into the composition.
Otherwise the trees become the focal point.
I also heightened the warm colours
to emphasize the light. 


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Invasive Species

A couple of years ago 
I sketched and photographed
 an interesting scene
 in Presquile Provincial Park....
bright, colourful and lively.
I discovered the following year 
that the plant was Phragmites
or European common reed,
an invasive species in the process
 of being eradicated!!

Alas, not all European imports
 are as desirable as 
French cheese and Italian Prosciutto!

Presquile Scene - Leslie Snider - pastel

Marsh Scenes