Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Craving Colour

Sharbot Lake PP - Leslie Snider

As cold and snow grips North America,
forget working outdoors!

Instead I'm trolling
 my photo archives 
for warm and sunny ideas.

The above scene,  from last summer,
is a sunlit point on Black Lake
 in Sharbot Lake Provincial Park.  

The calm serenity MIGHT be a bit idealised!

Monet's Field - Leslie Snider

This pastel began as a study
 of early morning mist 
rising from my summer field.... 
but soon I found myself fascinated 
by the colour and rhythms
of the clover in the field.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

First of the Season - 2019

Winter Scene  - 2019 - Leslie Snider
Working from studies and memory,
here are two views 
along the dog walking trail.
The first is early morning.
It's hard to believe that the 401 highway
and the heavy drone of morning traffic 
is behind this row of trees. 

Winter Scene  - 2019 - Leslie Snider
Farther down the path 
and later in the day 
I found a different kind of 

Marsh Scenes