Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Shoreline - After the storm

My calm waters post 
 was based on some shoreline photos 
taken on a calm, sunny day,

These photos were taken 
at the same location 
but as a storm moved out.

Although the sun is beginning to appear 
low lying, moody clouds hung over the water.

The turbulence caused by some strong winds
 muddied the water and deepened the tones.

After the Storm - pastel

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The temptation of Colour and Light

Pastel study - Spring Pansies

Although I've been working on a series
 of seaside and beach scenes
the first of the season's spring plants 
are appearing in the stores. 
These vibrant colours were too tempting to resist.

While looking for the right light 
to position my pot of flowers, 
the sunlight streaming onto a pot of ivy 
sitting in the window sill
also caught my attention.

Pastel Study - Ivy

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Calm Waters and preparatory sketches

Calm Waters

This week my dogs had their annual visit to the vet.....
not very exciting you say...
until one of them managed to bite the vet.

She (the vet) got flowers and a sorry note...
Me...well....I'm still recovering.

Below are a few pastel studies in preparation for the final piece.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Spring Weather

Capturing unpredictable spring weather.

Above a fog bank moves onshore

and then spring rain over the marsh.

Both sketches employ watercolour and watercolour crayons.

Marsh Scenes