Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday, July 20, 2018

Dry Spell

It definitely has become 
one of those long,hot,summers.....
another heat warning......
grasses parched 
and the ground rock hard....
 the lake is irresistible......
Even here the white, hot, heat
 of the midday sun penetrates
and drains colour
 from water and foliage. 

The River's Edge  - pastel - Leslie Snider

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Sketching and Fishing

Summer Sketch 
- plein air pastel - 
-husband fishing -
- me sketching!-
What more can I say?

Buck Lake Fishing Spot

Working with a limited palette
"Brown Recycled Rough Sketch" paper and  a limited palette.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The series of early morning skies 
from my recent posts 
reminded me why I love to travel.
At home I'm surrounded by trees
so I get the briefest glimpses
 of interesting cloud formations.
But go to the Canadian west 
and glorious panoramas open up!
Here's just one......

Open Skies - pastel - Leslie Snider

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Sunrise ...what to paint part 02

Sharbot Lake sunrise  - pastel - Leslie Snider
A few days ago I presented a few photos... 
all potentially good subjects for painting.

The first picture was complete in itself,
and I suspect no painting 
could improve on that moment.

The second and fourth,
definite possibilities for the future.....
but it was the opportunity
 to play with subtle colour
that inspired me to tackle the 3rd. 

I simplified the composition
 in order to emphasize
 the airiness of the clouds. 

If you have observed the rising sun 
you know how fleeting and illusive the light can be!

Marsh Scenes