Monday, March 25, 2019


Pure, bright yellow
 is not a colour I use very often 
but it has been on my mind recently.

As I watched and studied 
many sunsets over the winter
I was surprised to discover
how often yellows dominanted
 against the grey wintry light.

Although not a winter sky
sketches from a trip to the Gaspe 
formed the basis for this study in yellow.

I used various yellows to tint the base layer.
(set with water and allowed to air dry)
I then layered mauves, blues, and turquoise
over that base.
Using a light touch I was surprised
 at the level of transparency
that could be achieved.
Pastel is an opaque medium
 and used with a heavy hand
obliterates what's beneath.....
(which is a good thing sometimes)
but not here!

Yellow Light  - Leslie Snider

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Not winter....Not Spring....somewhere in between

A couple of pastel sketches 
while we wait for the frost to disappear
 and warmth to bring spring colour. 

Although the landscape
 has a certain starkness 
at this time of year,
the textures and 
muted colour relationships
 can be interesting.

Kingston Area Marsh in Early Spring
Pastel Study Valley of Óbánya

Marsh Scenes